Parents and caregivers
​In our "SPACE" parent workshop, you will learn and practice the concrete, specific strategies to help you get your child through their anxious emotions and behaviors.
By the end of this course, you can expect to:
have a clear understanding of what can cause, maintain and (importantly!) reduce your child's anxious feelings and behavior.
know what to say (and not say!) when your kid is worrying, expressing fears, refusing to do something because they are too anxious or nervous, etc.
know what to do (and not do!) to help them increase their bravery, independance, and self-efficacy.
feel confident in your ability to set limits and boundaries that fit the needs of your whole family.
SPACE workshop FAQs:​
Q: Why are parent workshops helpful for child and adolescent anxiety?
​A: It turns out that, although you likely did nothing to cause your child's anxiety problems, you can do a lot to help them resolve their anxiety problems. In fact, research shows that you can do this even without your kid's active participation. In our workshop, you'll learn how!
Q: Would it be more effective to send my child to a well-trained therapist?
A: First, we love well-trained child therapists! So, yes, it is a good idea for your child to work with one. And it is still a good idea to join our workshop -- because the best child and adolescent anxiety therapists will need you, the parent, to learn and use certain skills and strategies. In our course, you'll learn them and give yourself (and your child) a major jump-start to anxiety management. And, you'll be doing it at a considerably lower per-session cost compared to therapeutic appointments!
Q: Why do you call it a 'SPACE' workshop?
A: SPACE stands for Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions. Originally developed by Eli Lebowitz at the Yale Child Study Center, it is a parent-based intervention for treating child and adolescent anxiety. SPACE strategies have been well-researched and shown to significantly reduce the problems associated with:
Separation Anxiety
Social Anxiety
Fears and Phobias
Selective Mutism
Generalized Anxiety
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
To learn more about the SPACE model, watch this Ted Talk or visit www.spacetreatment.net

SPACE Parent Training Workshop
Interested in our next workshop series? Let us know below!
SPACE Parent Training Workshop
Groups are held once a week for 5 weeks via Zoom.
​Fees: $300 per family ($60 per session) + processing fees
This is a skills-based educational workshop. It is not a therapeutic group. The course is open to any parent or caregiver of an anxious child, regardless of where you live. By purchasing a ticket to this workshop series you are stating that you understand that the SPACE Parent Training Workshop is not therapy.